Sunday, December 10, 2017

Planning for 2018.....

Free online resources for teachers

Need some ideas and resources to update your CRT Toolkit ?  Have a look at this link to resources for beginning and practicing teachers, showcasing the many freely available teacher resources on the web.

The University of Melbourne

Sunday, October 29, 2017

What if everything that you knew about disciplining kids was wrong

As Casual Relief Teachers we can often be exposed to challenging student behaviour and .  'What if everything you knew about disciplining kids was wrong' is the title of an article published in a Mother Jones magazine.

This is a quote from the article.  "Teachers who aim to control students' behaviour -rather than helping them control it themselves - undermine the very elements that are essential for motivation: autonomy, a sense of competence, and a capacity to relate to others."

You can find the article at this link.

When you are working in a school find out what approach they have for managing challenging behaviour.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Upcoming Professional Development and Conferences

Where can I find Professional Development to build capacity to teach students with disability ?
Victorian Institute of Teachers  Special Needs Plan

Where can I find out about Educational Conferences ?
Month by Month by Aussie Educator

Girls Education Boys Education by Critical Agendas

Where can I find more information about the Digital Technologies Curriculum (F-10)...
Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria is hosting a free webinar on the 24th August 4:30-5:30pm to introduce the Digital Technologies curriculum F-10.  They will become familiar with the curriculum as a continuum.  Content of the session includes discussion around: ways of thinking, strands, key terms, content descriptions, achievement standards, levels and some examples of how to approach the teaching.  This session will be suitable for teachers with little of no knowledge of the curriculum who are implementing this semester.  Click here to register.

AllPlay brings Research and Sport together so kids of all abilities can play.  This website has information, practical tips and strategies for footy coaches, parents and players.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Register for Free PD 16th August 2017 in Warrnambool

Remember the VIT requirements for registration renewal

Victorian CRTs are required to complete 20 hours of PD in order to renew their registration before 30 September. Some of the PD you undertake must build your capacity to teach students with a disability.

Warrnambool - Supporting the Mental Health of Students 

Presenter: Adam Dickinson

This workshop will go beyond exploring definitions of mental health. Key strategies for recognising the signs and symptoms of mental health difficulties will be discussed. The content and strategies will look at weaving strategies into existing school cultures. Mindfulness, mental health plans, awareness of suicide, and personal statements will be among many more strategies discussed. There will also be a focus on supporting yourself as a teacher and CRT.

Australia Professional Standards for Teachers addressed:
1.1Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students' physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.
1.5Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.

Event Properties

Event Date16-Aug-2017 4:30 pm
Event End Date16-Aug-2017 8:00 pm
Registration Start Date09-05-2017
Available place47
Cut off date11-08-2017
Individual PriceFree to Victorian CRTs
LocationFlying Horse Bar and Brewery
Please click on this link to Register

    Tuesday, April 4, 2017

    Register now for Term 2 Victorian Curriculum online professional learning sessions

    Koori Cross-Curricular Protocols for Victorian Government Schools
    Learn more about the appropriate way to consult with your local Aboriginal Community when teaching topics that involve Indigenous Cultural and Intellectural Property.  For Primary and Secondary teachers. Helen Champion and Julie Reid.
    21 June
    Book Now

    The Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols for Victorian Government Schools are applicable to schools intending to develop activities that involve the use of Koorie cultural expressions, including stories, songs, instrumental music, dances, plays, ceremonies, rituals, performances, symbols, drawings, designs, paintings, poetry, body paintings, carvings, sculptures, handicrafts, baskets, needlework, textiles, artefacts and/or instruments.  The Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols for Victorian Government Schools provide guidance on the consultation process.  Government schools must consult the Traditional Owners of the land on which the school stands before using any of the cultural expressions listed in this resource.

    Please go to the following link for other online Professional Learning Sessions

    Monday, March 6, 2017

    Music Professional Development Workshop

    Teacher Professional Learning MiddleYears
    Primary generalist/Primary and Secondary music and performing arts specialists

    Musical Futures is an approach to teaching and learning that is reshaping the way in which students around the world are engaging with music in the classroom.
    The Introduction to Musical Futures workshop called Just Play it is designed to build musical foundations for students from Grade 3 upwards. It’s the easiest, best supported and most engaging approach to classroom music you’ll ever see.
    • Introduces a new foundational approach, materials and
    • Especially suitable for use in primary schools and by
      generalist teachers with some background in music
    • Classroom ready resources for guitar, ukulele, drums,
      percussion, keyboards and ensembles
    • FREE materials and resources to take away
    • Practical workshop activities
    • Teacher friendly and curriculum ready
    • Lunch and refreshments included
      The Musical Futures Just Play workshops are FREE as part of a Department of Education and Training - Education State - initiative.
      To register for the Warrnambool or Ballarat workshops click here or to learn more about Musical Futures workshops visit or call 0411 694 710
    9.30am 3.00pm Mt Clear College Mt Clear, Ballarat
    Over 800 teachers have joined a Just Play workshop in the past year. This is what they thought:
    • This has made my teaching and student learning much more fun
    • Best PD I have ever done in 30 years of teaching
    • Just a few ukulele’s was all I need to get my program started
    • This has totally changed my outlook and approach to teaching music
    • This approach makes music accessible to everyone - teachers and students
    Musical Futures Australia
    Suite 148/45 Glenferrie Road, Malvern, VIC P: 03 9507 2315 or 0411 694 710 E:

    Monday, January 30, 2017

    Keys to Coding

    An article by Jillian Brown (Nov 23, 2015)
    Recently I came across this image that highlights ‘10 Reasons to Teach Coding’.
    Coding is a great skill to engage students in creating projects such as animations, games, and websites. It is an important skill for students across all year levels to support the development of problem solving, critical thinking and creativity, and helps to prepare students for the digital age.
    The argument for coding was also featured in a recent article in The Age, ‘Students tackle programming, but is it only for maths geniuses? that explores learning in programming and coding with vice-president of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria and e-learning teacher Roland Gesthuizen​ from Keysborough College.
    The article quotes Gesthuizen: “Programming gets students to think…(It) is a high-level skill that gets them thinking about solving a problem, and there is more than one way to solve a problem. When students are learning maths, they are learning individually, but programming is very social and collaborative.”
    In 2017 AusVELS will be replaced by Victorian Curriculum F – 10 (  The new Victorian Curriculum introduces Digital Technologies.  In Digital Technologies, students use computational thinking and information systems to analyse, design and develop digital solutions. The Digital Technologies curriculum recognises coding (programming) as one of the skills to support learning in this area.  An increasing number of resources and professional learning opportunities are also available to support learning in this area.
    For support in Coding see:

    Thursday, January 12, 2017

    Hour of Code

    The new Victorian Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies Curriculum has clearly embedded digital technologies into learning.   The Hour of Code Resource bank listed below – some recommended resources for Australian schools are:



    EduResearch Matters

    The Edublogger

    Science daily