Monday, November 14, 2016

Free Professional Learning Tuesday 6th December 2016 Full day Warrnambool

Presenter: Dawn Colcott

Dawn has had extensive experience in education. She was a primary teacher for over 30 years, a CRT in a Special Developmental School and more recently Professional Learning Manager at the Victorian Institute of Teaching for 8 years.  Her role there included the support of teachers through the facilitation of mentoring programs with new graduates, workshops for CRTs and informing teachers about professional responsibilities and Government initiatives. She worked collaboratively with network leaders in the development of CRT networks across the state. 
Working now as an educational consultant, Dawn is passionate about continuing to support the professional learning of teachers wherever and however she can.
Understanding the needs of Learners with disabilities/special needs    
This workshop delves into the facts around the Government’s Special Needs Plan and V.I.T. requirements.  Every child deserves a great education to realise their full potential.  Every teacher deserves the opportunity to learn with, and from others in areas of challenge or need.
It also taps into knowledge and understandings around students with disabilities, and explores possibilities and resources that enables teachers to implement strategies to engage and support all students in inclusive classroom settings.

Focusing on Mindfulness
As teachers we recognise that deeper learning is necessary for students of the 21st Century. They must be prepared with key life skills to manage themselves and operate effectively in the world.

This is reflected in our new Victorian curriculum where knowledge acquisition sits alongside explicit instruction in ways of thinking, working and living in the world. Transferable skills of critical, creative thinking and communication combined with character-building skills of resilience, ethics and mindfulness educate the whole person. Head, hand and heart.
Mindfulness exercises are designed to train the brain to have focus, attention and emotional regulation. Research shows that it reduces stress, increases concentration and improves overall wellbeing.

The intent of the workshop is for teachers to: -
  • Understand the benefits of being Mindful. This touches on neuroscience research into brain plasticity and learning self-control.
  • Connect it to the Victorian curriculum. The Personal and Social capability aims to enable students with a sense of self-worth & self-awareness that helps them manage their emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing.
  • Practice mindfulness techniques themselves in a safe environment.
  • Walk away with a resource of short practices and website, You-tube links to use every day in schools.
When 9am - 3:30pm 7th December 2016
RSVP Please email Elizabeth at  for registration & catering purposes



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