Tech Talk Tuesdays is a regular online webinar offered every Tuesday during Victorian, Australia school terms, from 4 – 5pm. The webinar is offered to global educationalists and those interested in education. The events are sheduled on the events page of the Educators’ Guide to Innovation or within blog posts on this site. All sessions are free and are held in elluminate. This webinar series is sponsored by the Innovations and Next Practise Division of the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. eMailout alerts go out weekly, thanks to Innovations and Next Practise mailouts, Steve Hargadon of Learn Central and Classroom2.0 The sessions are made as interactive as possible, giving particiapants full opportunity share.
Most sessions feature a guest presenter. However on some occasions un-conference sessions occur where the participants have a chance to ask questions, discuss issues, share resources etc. Please join us in the conversations that abound.